Good design
is good business

I help with leaders and teams embrace design as a catalyst for growth, innovation, and connection.

Designing the difference

Design is not just the finishing touch, the fancy font or nice colour palette. Design can bring clarity to every thought and and depth to every solution. It can sit at the heart of your thinking and influence your culture.

Design should be contributing real business value by helping on things like:

I’ll challenge, educate, guide and support your business on how to design can be embrace the influence and impact design can have within your organisation; socially, culturally and commercially.

Can your team be better aligned? Can any friction be solved?

Improve productivity

Boost market share

Can you better understand your customers and better meet their needs?

Are there innovation & growth opportunities we’re missing out on?





Understand Design

Commission & Employ Design


Design can actually be quite a tricky industry to understand, it’s constantly evolving its remit, skills and offerings. And businesses don’t always fully understand all that design is and isn’t.

  • What exactly is design?

  • How can design be a business tool?

  • What are all the options?

  • Why a brand is not a logo?

  • What is design thinking?

  • Are we using design well currently?

  • What opportunities can design uncover?


There are thousands of designers, creatives and agencies. Each have their own skills, approach and opinions. It can be overwhelming to know what you need, let alone where to start with commissioning or even hiring a designer, team or agency.,

  • Do I need a designer?

  • Which agency should I commission?

  • How do I structure my design team?

  • How many UI designers vs UX designers do I need?

  • What’s the difference between a web/digital/UX/UI/product designer

  • Do I need a retainer?

There are thousands of designers, creatives and agencies. Each have their own skills, approach and opinions. It can be overwhelming to know what you need, let alone where to start with commissioning or even hiring a designer, team or agency.,

  • Do I need a designer?

  • Which agency should I commission?

  • How do I structure my design team?

  • How many UI designers vs UX designers do I need?

  • What’s the difference between a web/digital/UX/UI/product designer

  • Do I need a retainer?

The above isn’t exhaustive, but these topics are often a good starting point for conversation and give a good indication of my expertise. In the first instance, I’m always willing to have an honest and straightforward test conversation and we can both decide if there’s value in taking it further.

Curious yet?

Let’s do a quick 10 minute intro call?


Book in a 20 minute discovery call?


1. Book a free 10 or 20 minute consultation.

2. We can discuss best next steps, whether that’s another more in-depth call, or I could propose suggested routes, or we agree that we need to start working in order to figure out exactly what’s needed.

Free 30 minute consultation – this is just a tester to sense check you have the problem you think you have and I can actually help you (or at least begin to)

2. I’ll advise on best next steps but usually it’s either one or a few 1 hour sessions that allow us time to fully audit and unpick the subject or topic. From there I will help you map out how design might be used to make progress and what the best next steps might be.



“ Gavin is as much a business therapist as he is an expert designer. He’s naturally strategic in his thinking and connects the dots in places my brain just can’t go ”


Better by design

My belief is that design can make a positive and tangible difference to your business. This can manifest in all sorts of ways, here are just a few...


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