I partner with organisations open to the possibility that design thinking and a creative culture is good for business.

I believe design and creative-thinking are tools that can positively shape business performance, impact and growth.

I help organisations understand the power and potential creative-thinking and problem-solving can have in helping the business move forward with speed, clarity, understanding and perspective.

I offer a range of services & modules as one-off projects or as part of an ongoing partnership

The business of design

Most leaders and founders don’t come from a design background. That means their views on design often come from assumption rather than experience. And that’s a missed opportunity.

Here’s a few of things design could do:

How can design positively shape your business performance, impact and growth?

I help with leaders and teams embrace design as a catalyst for growth, innovation, and connection.





Use design thinking and creative problem-solving to tackle business challenges, workshop new ideas, and unlock new products, services, and opportunities.

Customer research
Landscape mapping
Audience research & insights

User research & co-design
Ideation & innovation workshops



Get clear on how your brand, visual identity, design, and communications can work harder—making more impact, engaging the right audiences, and supporting your business goals with intention and consistency.

Customer research
Landscape mapping
Audience research & insights


Get clear on how your brand, visual identity, design, and communications can work harder—making more impact, engaging the right audiences, and supporting your business goals with intention and consistency.

Customer research
Landscape mapping
Audience research & insights


User research & co-design
Ideation & innovation workshops

Get clear on how your brand, visual identity, design, and communications can work harder—making more impact, engaging the right audiences, and supporting your business goals with intention and consistency.


User research & co-design
Ideation & innovation workshops


Customer research
Landscape mapping
Audience research & insights

User research & co-design
Ideation & innovation workshops

Design is a tool

How it works

What you need,
when you need it.

I broadly work in one of two ways.


On demand

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£100–£150 ph

Arrange a call


Retainer / Fractional

Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.

Price on request

Let’s talk

Gavin Auty.

With over 20 years creative experience, I know a thing or two about how design can A COMPASSIONATE COLLABORATIVE & CREATIVE CONSULTANT FOCUSSED ON PROGRESS, POTENTIAL & PERFORMANCE

Size isn’t everything

I mostly work with SME’s and leadership teams open to new ideas and ways of thinking, willing to get honest and have sometimes difficult conversations.

Straight up

I work best in an open and honest environment. My approach is straightforward, curious and collaborative. Whilst I understand internal politics and bureaucracy can easily develop, there’s little point working together if they hinder our ability to make decisions.

More about me

No ego

I work with open, grounded and forward-thinking founders, leaders and teams willing to learn, understand and experiment with design and creative thinking

Around the block

Over the past 20 years I’ve worked with hundreds of organisations across design, brand and creative problem solving.